Jean 28th January 2020

On Sun, Jan 26, 2020 at 3:16 AM Jean Tan wrote: Dear Judy, Thank you so much for your momento of your dear mother and my deepest condolence on her passing. She was a strong woman who lived through war and peace as did my mother. They both had longevity to their names. Betty's death brings back memories of my teenage years when I spent almost every afternoon visiting your home in Balmoral Road playing with you toddlers or carrying the infants David and John. I recall your mother sewing and knitting and was most impressed by her well kept household. She had very good taste in dress and in furnishing the house. I can still remember the picture of the Little girl in blue at the top of the stairs. Quereshi's the carpet dealer came with a display of exotic Persian rugs. I hope she kept them till the end. I was most touched and will never forget when your whole family drove to the airport to see me off to London in 1960. That was the defining moment when I felt the real separation had come as I could not see you all again. The idyllic afternoon visits had come to an end. I am glad the next generation is still in touch stretching far across the globe. All best wishes Jean. PS - Slight correction John was not born yet. It was David I carried. My memory ran too fast.